Oldest danceschool in Estonia
Experience for 34 years
Best coaches in 2017

Why choose us?
Classes in English, Russian and Estonian
Easy to come and find
Most gold medals from national championships
Tantsuklubi Leevi is the oldest consistently acted dance school in Estonia. It was created in 1984. Within this time, our team has thought dancing to thousands of people who have become successful dance coaches or operators and government employees. We offer best options for starters and professional dancers to take part in dance sport. Only we have three dance halls in Estonia next to the sea and fast public transport allows to access from any district. Our practice take place in Estonian, Russian and English.
Leevi team consists of only professional dance specialists and dance athletes at a high level. They motivate students to succeed with their experience and acting as a model. Our coaches have received Estonian best coach for young people prize in 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015. In 2016, they received Estonian best coach price and in 2017, they received Estonian best coach for young people and Estonian best coach prize. During these years, Leevi dancers have also been named the best dance athletes of the year. Olympic Committees have also honoured our coaches for effective coaching many times. Dancers of our dancing school have become Estonian masters, winners of Estonian Cup, and finalists of World and Europe Championships at countless times. The first and only world champions are good athletes of our club – Madis Abel ja Aleksandra Galkina. Of course, we appreciate every outcome of big and small dancers of our dance school.
Our dance school has education licence from the Ministry of Education and according to which income tax is being returned from tuition fee.
Leevi dance school is among first three of 46 dance clubs in performance rating of the Estonian Dance Sport Association. We are also the dance school who have received most gold medals in Estonian Championships at 2011–2015 and at 2017.
Eve End, who is the director and one of the founder member of Leevi dance club, has been the chartered member, member of board and president for years of Estonian Dance Sport Association.
In addition to excellent possibilities at dance halls, students can make themselves more comfortable before and after classes. Children have their own dressing room and washing room where it is possible to freshen before and after classes. There is also a big resting room with kitchen where they can study, make snacks or drink warm tea, if needed. Our students can use free drinking water machine and oxygenated water especially made for athletes. We have also thought about dancers who can use a game room where big and small children can find something interesting for them. Parents, who are waiting for their children, do not have to be feel bored. They can stay in a parents resting room where they can work, read a book or relax after a hard working day steadily by looking out of the window the training of our athletes.
Come and get a wonderful experience from a dance, which offers positive emotions and proper physical stress.
Leevi dance school – professional coaches, a friendly team, happy children with excellent outcomes and best conditions for parents and children to engage in dance sport in Estonia. The dance sport creates an perfect harmony between a sport, music and beauty.
We are pleased to see student at all ages!